
Sunday, October 21, 2012

First sign of flower spike on Dtps. Jungo City

Phalaenopsis spike, week 1

     The recent cooling of the temperatures must have sent "time to bloom" signals to my orchids.  In addition to Cattleya Cernua and Tolumnia Pink Panther, my Dtps. Jungo City is preparing to flower.

      This is another orchid flower spike that I managed to spot in its earliest stages. This little protrusion at the orchid's base is the start of a spike.  Two early signs differentiate it from a root: it's purple in color when every other root on this orchid emerged with a pale yellow-green tip.  And second, it's segmented.  This is really hard to see in the picture above, but became more apparent in the few days afterwards.
     This picture was taken on October 15.  I don't know how long the spike will take to reach maturity.  


  1. Great! You will have abundance of blooms soon.
    In my experience phal spikes usually take about two and a half months from the moment I notice the spike nub to bloom. Although it probably depends on lots of things. This article here talks about spikes and blooms and temps when they grow phals commercially:
