
Friday, February 8, 2013

Two new growths mature on Ctt Jewel Box 'Scheherazade'

Cattlianthe Jewel Box 'Scheherazade'

     The new growth I posted about in October has matured and fully opened its leaves, as has the growth before that.  The newest leaves are on average an inch longer than the older leaves, and the newest pseudobulb is taller as well.  All signs point towards a healthy growing plant.

     The newest leaf has some physical damage at its tip, which is entirely my fault. Impatient for the leaves to finish opening, I tried prying the two halves apart before they were ready.  Instead, I ended up ripping some of the leaf's tissue.  No serious harm done, though it does mar the look of the foliage.

     Both pseudobulbs opened with sheaths.  The one on the older pb has since dried up, while the newest one is freshly green and (possibly) swollen.  I'll know soon if there's anything to be seen there.
Dried out sheath 
Possibly swollen sheath on newest pseudobulb


  1. How do you know that they opened with sheaths? Can you please make a close up picture of both dried and swollen sheaths? Thanks

    1. There you go. They small and buried between the leaves, making them nearly unphotographable.

    2. Thanks! I looked through my larger catts hoping to see something similar, but not yet...

  2. Sometimes when the new leaves stick together I'll give them one or two applications of a spritz or two of mist. It seems that whatever the "glue" is that sticks the new leaves together is water soluable - at least for some plants. Often they will open up shortly afterward...before all of the water evaporates.

    1. That's an interesting idea. I'll be sure to try it in the future.
