
Saturday, March 25, 2017

New York Orchid Show: Cymbidiums

Cymbidiums are colorful and showy orchids native to much of Tropical and Subtropical Asia.  The New York Orchid show often features lush displays of Cymbidium orchids, and this year is no exception.

Cymbidium Purple Haze
Cymbidium Sweetheart 'Sensation'
Cymbidium Sweetheart 'Sensation' closeup

Peloric Cymbidium Vanguard

Closeup of Peloric Cymbidium
Cymbidium Half Moon 'Wonderland'
Cymbidium Via Irish-Elf
Cymbidium Via Nogales 'Louise'
Cymbidium Yellow Submarine


  1. They are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

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