
Monday, April 25, 2016

Oncidium Ron's Rippling Delight

Oncidium Ron's Rippling Delight
If the last two orchids could be described as elegant (Oncidium Irish Mist) and showy (Oncidium Volcano Midnight), then this one falls in the category of 'strikingly odd'.  At least in my opinion.

This is a slightly older hybrid, registered in 1980. Looking at the flower shape, I would have expected for Oncidium fuscatum to once again show up somewhere in the parentage of this orchid.  And indeed, this is the case.

Oncidium Ron's Rippling Delight is a primary hybrid between two Oncidium species: Oncidium fuscatum and Oncidium schroederianumMore than any hybrid I've yet posted about, this orchid looks like a direct mix of its parents.

Parentage of Oncidium Ron's Rippling Delight
Photo credits:
Oncidium fuscatum by Eduardo A. Pacheco (Flickr gallery)

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