
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

New York Orchid Show 2013: Paphiopedilums

Paphiopedilum gratrixianum

     There were only very few paphs to be seen at the Orchid Show this year.  But here they are.

Paphiopedilum Puppentaz

      Paph. Puppentaz appears to be an unregistered hybrid between Paphiopedilum kolopakingii and Paphiopedilum Haynaldianum.

Two shots of Paphiopedilum (Toni Semple x liemianum '#5')


  1. Nice multies. How is your sanderianum seedling doing?
    I might be getting one in April to replace the seedling I killed. I wonder how fast it grows in home conditions.

    1. Growth, what growth? It added maybe 2 inches to the newest leaf since November. I'm not sure if putting it in the tank has done anything to speed its growth yet. If anything, I'm a bit miffed at the vendor for describing the orchid as "2 years from blooming." I've now had mine for 1.5 years, and it's no bigger than it was back when I first got it. If you can afford to get one at the 2-growth stage, I'd recommend that. Because these seedling ones don't seem to grow.

    2. Wow, that's discouraging. I am paying $70 for one growth plant that is supposed to be around three years from blooming(if it is still available, Glen from Piping Rock will check if it is still there and bring it to Ottawa for me). Two-growth-plant is probably too expensive considering I might easily kill it.
      I wonder how people grow it successfully and what are we missing in the process. there must be something there...

    3. Maybe you'll stumble on the secret ingredient. Or maybe I was unlucky to get a particularly slowpoke sandie.

    4. I just received a picture of plant I will be getting. Its leaf span is 16 inch, so it should be similar size to yours. According to my vendor - it is at least 3 years from blooming though. Still looking for that secret ingredient...
