
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hardware malfunction

Rubber-based bungee cords do not hold up well against heat and tension

     This morning I found the lighting fixture from my top shelf hanging down at a precarious angle. One of the two cords which had been holding it up had snapped, and the other one was fraying.  I am very lucky that the lamp hadn't fallen completely, and that both the lamp and my plants are safe.

A more secure setup, using metal chain

     It looks like the heat from the lamp caused the rubber inside the bungee cords to deteriorate.  I needed a more secure way to hold the light in place.  So I went to the nearby hardware store, and picked up 5 feet of metal chain.  I wrapped this tightly across the shelf, and used my craft wire to join the ends together.  One tangential benefit of using a metal chain instead of elastic cords, is that it added another inch to the lamp's height.



  1. Yea for your entrepenurial spirit. I won't complain about dragging my orchids in and out of their makeshift greenhouse every time we have a cold night. We are very, very lucky to be able to grow outside.

  2. Ouch! I am so glad orchids didn't get any damage. The chain fixture looks more solid and more appealing to eye than colored cords. You did great job fixing it.

  3. Maria, great handy work! I agree with the above comments. It looks to be a much better setup. A couple questions please; what type of wire did you use to fasten the chain and what type of light is the one that needed repair? Did I miss a post describing your setup?

    1. Hi Bob,

      I briefly mentioned my setup in the very first post of the this blog, and then again in my guest-post to Angraecums. I didn't go too indepth though.

      The wire is: 12 gage craft wire

      Meanwhile the lamp is 125 watt CFL growlight. It's rated at 7000 lumens, and has a 6400K color temperature.

      Thankfully I didn't need to repair the light itself--just find a sturdier way to hang it up.
