
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cymbidium Billion Dollar Baby '#1' x Gordon Gibbs 'Dashing'

Cymbidium Billion Dollar Baby '#1' x Gordon Gibbs 'Dashing'

     I'm posting about this orchid today, not because it has done anything worth updating about, but because a whole year has passed since I last wrote about it.  A year ago, I posted about 5 new growth which had appeared on the plant.  A year later, these growths still remain small and immature.  A couple are still less than 6" tall.  They continue growing, slowly.  

     I think this orchid is still pouting from the butcher job of a repotting that I did when I first got it (in a very pot-bound state) 1.5 years ago.  It lost most of its roots as a result, and at one point I thought it would die altogether.  I'd like for the cymbidium to grow more roots now, but it seems to be focusing on the leaves instead.  

     At least this orchid isn't declining.  It is getting larger and bushier, just at a very slow pace.


  1. Hi Maria! I have a mini Cymbidium for years and never saw a flower. I was told they like cold climates, something difficult to achieve in Brazil. Good look for your orchid!

  2. Beautiful plant, I have no luck with them, I've had and never saw flowers.

  3. Really, beautiful orchid plant! I love plants and flowers. Their beauty is simply incredible. Your orchid is doing well, just hope for the best and take good care of it. Best of luck!

  4. AnonymousJune 13, 2013

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  5. Well, for a start go to a nursery and ask them to pot it for you properly. Cymbidiums are # 1.
