
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Phals grow side spikes

Phal Memoria Audrey Meldman 'Mendenhal' (left), Phal Gold Tris 'Desk Pot' (right)

     Two of my spiking phals already had old spikes from blooming last Spring, which until recently have been inactive.  Now both are starting a side spike from the topmost bract below the ones which had already produced flowers.

Phal Memoria Audrey Meldman 'Mendenhal' (left), Phal Gold Tris 'Desk Pot' (right)

     Looks like I'll have double the flowers to look forward to.


  1. Great! Looking forward to the bloom pictures. Plants look so lush and healthy with nice roots. How in the world do you grow them in bark?

    1. Haha, I could ask you the same thing. Phals in sphagnum--how on earth are the roots not rotting to mush? I guess it's whatever works.
