
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Repotting Dtps Jungo City

Doritaenopsis Jungo City

     Dtps Jungo City shed one of its leaves, resulting in a very unbalanced plant. Its long leaves and relative lack of root mass were causing it to flop over precariously. I wanted to reposition the orchid so that it wouldn't have as much of a tilt, and that meant I needed to repot.

Mix of rotten and healthy roots

     When I took the orchid out of its media, I found that while it had grown several new healthy roots, many of its old roots had continued to die off.  Overall, I think the roots still look better than when I first repotted this orchid in August, but that's only because of the new roots that have grown in.  All the old roots look like they are on their way out.  I cut off the rotten material, and potted the orchid back into its original media, trying to position it more upright.  The orchid is so top heavy, that it made the task rather difficult.

     I also gave the repotted orchid a 30 minute soak in physan solution, as will be my standard practice from now on when repotting anything.  

More balanced now
Flower spike on Dtps Jungo City: 25 days

     The flower spike has grown since I first spotted it in late October, but rather slowly.  Perhaps the same cold that helped initiate all these flowerings has also slowed growth rate.  This spike still has a very long way to grow.  


  1. I love your BLOG.. please feel free to follow my blog about plants ..

    I would be honored ...

    I'm looking to increase my assortment of orchids, presently, I only have a couple but I have about 60 other houseplants..

  2. Good evening Maria. I attended the November monthly meeting of the Fort Lauderdale Orchid Society this evening and listened to a speaker (Craig Morrell, that went out of his way to meet me a couple of months ago at a lecture I gave to the Orchid Society of Coral Gables (South Miami). He is the Horticulturist at Pinecrest Gardens in Coral Gables (formerly Parrot Jungle). His presentation dealt with various types of ROT (root or otherwise), FUNGUS, BACTERIA, INSECTS, MITES and SNAILS (which are plentiful here in South Florida. He has a blog called "Pinecrest Plant Guy" and said he answers all questions regarding anything plants. He has a great deal of knowledge and could be a useful assest to any hobbyist dealing with orchids. Check his blog out and if you need any introductions, I would be happy to step up. I have added three new sections to my blog. An Orchid Gallery (plants I have bloomed), Unusual/Natural Mounts Page and Other Orchid Cultures (working on the first post for this page right now dealing with a compact cigar type Dendrobium call an oligopyhllum [flowers very young, often while still in the flask]). I would like to add a link of your blog to mine if I may. I would also like to invite you to write a post as a guest blogger as to HOW you have your set-up in a NYC apartment and WHY you are doing the blog. Please give some serious thought to my idea and let me know. It does not have to be done right now, there is noe deadline. You can email me at ! Looking forward to hearing from you.
