
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Oncostele finally grows long healthy roots

Oncostele Pacific Perspective

     Its foliage is blemished and its pseudobulbs reduced, but my Oncostele Pacific Perspective is finally showing a definitive sign of recovery.  After over a year of false starts, this orchid has grown roots that are long and healthy, and reaching the bottom of the pot.  

healthy oncidium roots

     The turning point was when I treated the orchid with a systemic fungicide back in late September, following a helpful tip from an anonymous commenter.  Within a couple weeks, I noticed new growing roots through the clear plastic.  Since then, they've grown longer and more numerous, and show no signs of dying back. 

small new healthy oncidium pseudobulb

     In addition, one of the new growths has matured, revealing a small new pseudobulb.  Although it is but a fraction of the size of the bulbs that this orchid lost a few months ago, its the first pseudobulb to appear which is completely unwrinkled.  With continuing vigorous root growth, I hope to keep it this way. 

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