
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Phal noid growing truncated leaves

Short new leaves on phalaenopsis noid

     Last month, my phal noid finally started growing new leaves after a year-long break during which it focused exclusively on growing keiki's.  However, instead of growing long leaves in proportion to it's older leaves, the new leaves are just 1-2 inches long.  It's created two such leaves already, and is now working on a third.

     I am at a loss as to why it's growing like this.  The roots seem fine and healthy. There's nothing about this orchid's culture to indicate why it shouldn't be able to grow a properly sized leaf.  Perhaps when I finally get around to cutting of the keiki's it can get back to a normal growing habit.


  1. It almost looks as if it's putting out a keiki from the middle of the plant.

    1. I hope not! I'd hate to lose the mother plant

  2. My phals usually do it when they have small or no roots, I guess, it means that plant doesn't get enough nutritions to produce normal sized leaves and tries to scale them down to fit the amount of food it gets. Just my theory though, could be wrong.

    1. That's how I usually read it too. But it's had plenty of root growth recently. So even with just the roots I can see above the surface, these short leaves are really really short. I dunno. Blame the keikis I guess.
