
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tolumnia Genting Orange now in full bloom

Tolumnia Genting Orange: June 4

     Here is a series of photographs showing the maturation of the Tolumnia Genting Orange buds. The spike was very small when I received the plant in April, no more than 2 weeks old.  The first flowers opened on May 29, setting the spike maturation time at about 9 weeks.  Since I've not yet had the opportunity to see these flower in person, I'll save the descriptions until when I get back home.  It does seem as if the flowers open yellow, and acquire an orange hue as they age.  In the meantime, here is a series of photos depicting the growth of the flower spike.

April 3

May 19

May 26

May 28

May 30

May 31

June 3

June 4


  1. Beautiful! I like the pictures of the progress sequence especially when the buds start to open.
    Did you have a nice trip? How the 'chids took your absence?

  2. thanks--I just got home last night, and fortunately this one is no where near done blooming yet. My orchids are a mixed bag--the phals thrived while bf was taking care of them, but my den victoria reginae is a goner. It may not be quite dead yet... but I think I'll be ordering a replacement anyway.
