
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Aborted spike on psychopsis mariposa

A very dehydrated looking psychopsis

     It was bound to happen eventually; my psychopsis mariposa was far too dry and rootless to sustain a flower spike.  Once I noticed that the spike tip was dry and dead, I cut the entire spike off.  I also repotted the orchid into sphagnum moss, in hopes of maintaining a more even humidity around the orchid's base.  None of the old roots remain, so if this orchid has any hope for survival, it will have to grow new roots.

Drying spike on sick psychopsis


  1. Sorry about the spike. I have eventually moved my psycho seedling from bark into chc and it looks better now. Hope yours will come up with new growth.

  2. I have jus bought a Psychopsis Mariposa, There is only one spike, but more to come. The flower has fallen off the spike. Do I now trim this spike backe level with the pot?

    1. Psychopsis are supposed to be sequential bloomers which means they can re-flower from old spikes for years. I'd recommend leaving the spike in place, unless its visibly drying out.
