
Saturday, January 13, 2018

Will you fall in love with Bulbophyllums? Visiting the US Botanic Garden

Bulbophyllum Elizabeth Ann Buckleberry
Bulbophyllums are some of the strangest commonly cultivated orchid genera.  To be honest, they are such strange flowers that I don't know how I feel about them.  But they sure do catch the eye!  The US Botanic Garden Conservatory is a great place to go to catch some in bloom.

Closeup of Bulbophyllum Elizabeth Anne Buckleberry
With more than 2,000 species, Bulbophyllum is the largest genus in the orchid family, and one of the largest genera of flowering plants in the world.  You can find native bulbophyllum species in most tropical parts of the world, and with this great geographic spread comes an amazing diversity of flower shapes and attributes.

Bulbophyllum medusae
Bulbophyllum medusase may be one of the coolest orchid species I've come across.  Its flowers look like white cotton balls.  The sepals of the blooms can get as long as 15cm. This orchid grows in Malaysia, Thailand and Borneo.
Closeup of Bulbophyllum medusae bloom
Bulbophyllum longissimum
This is another Bulbophyllum species from southeast Asia.  These flowers can be almost 40cm long!

Bulbophyllum Icicles
Bulbophyllum Icicles is a primary hybrid between Bulbophyllum longissimum and Bulbophyllum wightii.
Bulbophyllum Icicles closeup

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Gorgeous Paphiopedilum hybrids from the DC Botanic Garden

I will readily admit my love for the colorful and showy splendor of orchid hybrids.  In the next few months, I think I will dive in to explore the lineages of some of these hybrids, but for today, I wanted to share with you the beautiful Paph collection at the DC Botanic Garden.
Paphiopedilum Devil's Canyon

Paphiopedilum Elphin Charm

Paphiopedilum FC Puddle

Unlabeled Paphiopedilum

Paphiopedilum Mazurka

Paphiopedilum Miller's Daughter

Paphiopedilum Mystically Mood

Paphiopedilum Olivia

Paphiopedilum Olivia

Paphiopedilum Orchilla 'Chilton'

Paphiopedilum Redstart 'Exbury'

Paphiopedilum Redstart 'Exbury'

Paphiopedilum Song of Love

Paphiopedilum Tree of Okazaki

Paphiopedilum Yerba Mate

Paphiopedilum Zycleon

Paphiopedilum Zycleon whole plant view