
Friday, November 25, 2016

Vanda Roslyn Rogers

Vanda Roslyn Rogers
Vanda Roslyn Rogers is a large pinkish flower, registered in 1990 as a cross between Vanda Fuchs Indigo, and Vanda Yip Sum Wah.  However, unlike the more popular 90's cross Vanda Pachara Delight (which shares 5 out 6 species progenitors in common), this hybrid did not have the same staying power.  Searches for "Vanda Roslyn Rogers" yield few results, most of them referring to people named Roslyn.

The genealogy diagram for Vanda Roslyn Rogers is shown below.  (Link to a larger image view)
Genealogy of Vanda Roslyn Rogers
Just like V. Pachara Delight, the genealogy of V. Roslyn Rogers is dominated by two key Vanda species: Vanda coerulea and Vanda sanderiana. In total, there are 27 crossings depicted in this diagram. V. coerulea provided either the pollen or the seed in 6 of them (22%), and V. sanderiana played a direct part in 13 of the crosses (48%).  

These are the 6 species that contributed to making Vanda Roslyn Rogers.
Species Progenitors of Vanda Roslyn Rogers
Photo credits:
Vanda sanderiana (original image, by Dalton Holland Baptista, Wikimedia commons)
Vanda coerulea (original image, by  Association Auboise d'Orchidophilie Exotique)
Vanda dearei (original image, by Rachmat Setlawan Saleh (Flickr gallery))
Vanda luzonica (original image,  by Akatsuka Orchid Gardens (orchid vendor site)
Vanda tricolor (original image, by Association Auboise d'Orchidophilie Exotique)
Vanda curvifolia (original image, by Association Auboise d'Orchidophilie Exotique)

Personally, I prefer the look of these parent species over the resulting hybrid.  However, it was interesting to see how two relatively similar family trees (Vanda Pachara Delight vs Vanda Roslyn Rogers) produced rather different looking flowers.